Welcome to our Pet Care Plan. A great way to spread the cost of your pet’s treatments and give them the preventative healthcare they deserve.

There are great savings, and the cost of products and services included in the plan are split into convenient monthly Direct Debit payments.

It’s really easy to join and your pet can enjoy the benefits right away!

What’s included in our Pet Care plan?

  • Annual vaccination including Kennel Cough cover for dogs
  • Annual flea, tick and worming control
  • Health check with a vet, at vaccination and 6 months later
  • Unlimited nurse consults including weight and dental clinics

Plus, 10% off all other products and services (excluding specialist visits and out of hours services)

Please contact us for more details on our plans, or click here to visit our website

Don’t forget to download our Vet2Pet app for the quickest and easiest way to manage your Health Plan.


Please note, this is a 12 month contract that automatically renews. If you cancel at any time other than the anniversary of the plan, there may be a balance to pay. There is an admin fee of £10 collected with the first Direct Debit payment.


If you don’t know your pet’s age, please provide a considered estimate.

Please select a plan that reflects your pet’s estimated adult weight.

Please note, as puppies and kittens grow, their weight needs to be checked regularly. 

Check the pet details below and click proceed.

Pet Owner Details

I already have a pet on plan, find my details


I am new to pet plans

Bank details for Direct Debit Order

Your first payment will be collected today. Your Direct Debit will be set up in 10 working days and collected on the date you select.  

Confirm details

Your first Direct Debit payment will be collected on the next available payment date.  This will include the joining fee.

Please confirm the following details are correct.


Your details

Bank details


Your payment is being processed. We will create your pet plans when the payment is confirmed.

To get notified when done, please enter your email address and click submit.

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There is an error while creating your pet plans. Our admin will have a look on this, and create you pet plans.

To get notified when done, please enter your email address and click submit.

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Thank you

You have now completed your pet’s membership application for our Pet Care Plan at T A Irving Veterinary Surgery.

To start receiving any products and benefits, an initial vet visit is required to check your pet’s weight to ensure the correct products are prescribed.

If you have a visit booked, we look forward to seeing you and your pet soon, if not please contact us on  0161 766 2550.

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